When Will SnowProfessor Post More Videos?

Hands down, this is the question we hear most often. The simple answer is we’re working on new videos. But free time is a bit strapped these days.

When we began the website in 2008, Rick was a stay-at-home dad with one baby and a wedding videographer business. I was planning my wedding and working in affiliate marketing for Target.com. We both taught snowboarding 4-6 days a week and had energy left-over to write, film and edit—roughly 14 Snowprofessor episodes each year.

Today, Rick’s life revolves around 2 kids (4 and 2 years old), a full-time job, minivan and 2 dogs. I juggle a crawling baby (who doesn’t like naps), a yellow lab and job as an affiliate manager—working full-time from home. These days it seems I hardly get to use the bathroom by myself and rarely have weekend plans that don’t involve cleaning the house. Rick still coaches 4 days a week, leads clinics as an AASI Ed Staff member and is looking forward to teaching his own kids to ski this year. Between pregnancy and breast feeding, I have only been snowboarding 3 times in the past two years.

While I never thought we would be millionaires making free snowboard lessons, I assumed at some point we would pull a modest profit. Don’t get me wrong, we love sharing the sport and have fun making the videos; which is why we have kept it up for three years. But it’s hard to put videos ahead of runny noses, gap-toothed smiles, conference calls, clogged drains, deadlines, bedtime stories and ice dams.

Perhaps one day SnowProfessor.com will be so profitable that Rick and I can quit our jobs. Until then, we will try to produce content when we find the rare snippet of free time.

Below is a list of upcoming episodes that are in various stages of production:
Snowboard Tricks:
* Intro to Grabs: Indy
* Front-side 180s
* Back-side 360s
* Hitting Bigger Jumps
* Front-side Boardslides (Funbox)

Intermediate lessons
* Top 4 Intermediate Mistakes & Fixes
* One-footed snowboarding
* Surface 360s
* Tips for Traversing

All Mountain
* Steeps
* Moguls
* Trees
* Slush

Snowboard equipment

* How to Tune a Snowboard (Basic tune)
* How to Store Your Snowboard for the Summer

* Get in Shape for Snowboarding

Rick Putnam